
Are feelings emotions and facial expressions unuversal across borders, happy, sad, etc...?
What people cry, laugh, happy and sad is a common expression all over the world. But I think people are a little difference how to show emotion. when a lot of Japanese are happy something, we usually don't use our face for show big emotion. When people are happy something in some countrise, they use their face for show big emotion such as big smile.

Try to name as many feelings as possible in Japanese.
面倒くさい troublesome 感激する   move and impress
辛い   ache       照れる be shy
楽しい fun       恥ずかしい ashamed
嬉しい happy     緊張する tense
悲しい  sad       頭にくる mad

Are there any feelings in Japanese that cannot be tranalated into English?

Class#2 What is ccc?

In article: http//www.iza.ne.jp/news/newsarticle/world/america/50074

In New York Hillary Clinton member is popular but now Barack Obama member is very popular than her on presidental election in 2008. She is the most popular among African American, however they are wavering btween him and her. Because he may become president first time as an African American. A lot of African American lives in harem of New York. There is a office of a past president in the city. A past president is her husband. And he grew up in poor family, so African American who grew up like him supported him. They also supported him wife. In January approval rating of Hillary Clinton was 60% and Barack Obama was 20%. But in April approval rating of him was 37% and her was 21%.

I think the article is CCC. American people is interested in president who get in her or him. If she got in president, she become president first time as a woman. And if he got in president, he become president first time as an African American. We can't think about both of topics. Because people of various races don't live in Japan. We hardly conscious of race in general. Next, Japanese women can't get in president. A few women members join politics inJapan.


Islam article

In article: Sannkei shinbun

The police arreasted three muslims men for an act of terrorism in London. When two moslims tried to ride on plane to Pakistan, they were caught by police. And then when the other one stayed at home, he also was caught by police. Perhaps they prepared for terrorism in London.

When I read the article, I thought a part of muslisms is scary becauses I arleady knew a part of muslisms caused terrorism. I think most of muslisms are very nice people. And they hope to become peace in the world. A lot of people has mistaken that muslim equal to terrorist. We should negotiate about other religion.