
Are feelings emotions and facial expressions unuversal across borders, happy, sad, etc...?
What people cry, laugh, happy and sad is a common expression all over the world. But I think people are a little difference how to show emotion. when a lot of Japanese are happy something, we usually don't use our face for show big emotion. When people are happy something in some countrise, they use their face for show big emotion such as big smile.

Try to name as many feelings as possible in Japanese.
面倒くさい troublesome 感激する   move and impress
辛い   ache       照れる be shy
楽しい fun       恥ずかしい ashamed
嬉しい happy     緊張する tense
悲しい  sad       頭にくる mad

Are there any feelings in Japanese that cannot be tranalated into English?

4 件のコメント:

Rolf さんのコメント...

頑張って is a really hard word to translate into English because it can be used in different ways. Most people translate it as "good luck" or "work hard", but I think the actual meaning is more like "persevere", which sounds funny in English. You wouldn't tell someone "Persevere!"

yellow dress さんのコメント...

I agree with you and Rolf. "頑張って" has many meanings not only "try hard". I think it has more gentle ,tender and encouraging feeling.

hatokichichan さんのコメント...

You said "Japanese usually don't use their face for show big emotion". I think so,too. Other countries, for example, American is good at expression of feeling.

yoppy さんのコメント...

Yeah, I think reaction between Japanese and other country is alittle bit different. I suppose that it is similar how they feel but how to show feelings is slightly different!!