

It's very difficult problem for japanese people to study English. I think that we have to study english but also we have to study our mother tongue hardly. For me, my sister always say to me "I think that it's good thing for you to study english but first you need to study your mother tongue." She's worrying about my japanese. I'm sometimes worrying about my japanese skills because I don't remember a lot of "kanji". For example, when i take job interview in japanese, if i can't speak japanese well, the company won't hire me. On the other hand, when i take job interview in english, if i can't speak english well, the company won't hire me. And i think that if japan will become more global country, japanese children'll have to study mother tongue as proud and they'll have to study english as communication way.


Men retreat from 'hassle' of loving relationships

I can't agree with this article completely but i can agree with some ideas. I think that it depens on parson. My first boyfriend who desn't want to use money for me and doesn't want to use time for me like this article. His hobby is job. He said same thing like this article to me. He said that why do i have to sent you e-mail everyday? to me. When i heard it, i was very sad. And I said that because i'm care what you do when we aren't together. I'm worrying about you to him. He couldn't compromise with me. And next my boyfriend who want to use time for me and sometimes use money for me. He liked to talk on the phone with me everyday and he liked to hang out with me. His opinion that job is most important for me and second is my girlfriend,so it depends on guys. Some guys who they think it's importnat for me to spend time with girlfriend and some guys who they think it's not important for me to spend time with girlfriend.



Have you ever eaten in a foreign restaurant? Where? What did you eat? Did you make any mistakes? Please explain your experience. Did you learn anything?
I have been to some restaurant in america. My hostfamily took me a lot of restaurants when i stayed in their house. I like mexican restaurant the best of all restaurants.
It was first time for me to go there. While we waited for food, we ate bread. I ate a lot of bread and then i wasn't able to eat food that i ordered. I didn't know that bread is like snack.
I learned how to wait for food in america.


Do you think having a massive wedding like korea or uae is good idea? Eloping?
I think that a massive wedding is good idea because they don't have to pay a lot of money.Many people celebrate can celebrate bridegroom with the wedding. But i don't want to celebrate with the wedding. I embarrass that a lot of people look at me.
Having it in foreing location like hawaii?
I have no idea. Perhaps i won't celebrate a wedding in foreing location because my grandparents are old people. They might not go to foreing country, i think. If i celebrate a wedding, i really want to invite them.
What is your ideal wedding?
My ideal wedding is small wedding. I don't want to invite acquaintance.
What would you definitely do or wear or go to on thta big day?
Why is that important?
When we usually celebrate a wedding, we go to a church or shine. We wear kimono and dress and also we say gratitude for our parents. I don't know why is that important because i really don't want to get marry.


Superstitions homework

Do you think it is important to talk about them?Why?
I think that superstitions isn't important for us. It's one of the topics when we talk with someone together.

Is communication affected by superstitions?
Yes, i think so. For example, when i write friend's name on the paper, I must not write with a red pen. Because if i write with a red pen, friends will happen bad thing.

Do you belive in japanese superstitions?If so, what superstitions, what do they mean and why do you do use, or belive in them?
I can belive it a little. My grandmother said that if you don't eat a bowl of rice completely, you will be blindness.
Because my hometown is very country and we have a lot of rice field. My grandmother wanted me to know that thanks for rice.



1.Time is money.
It means that time is important for us to live in our life, i think. we shouldn't use a waste of time.

2.A stitch in time saves nine.
I think that it means if you stich something quickly, you can save time.

3.There's no time like the present.
I think that it means hurry up or if you want to do something, you should do soon.

4. Fashionnable late.
I'm very sorry. I have no idea.



1.What are some subjects that you will never discuss with a friend?

I hardly talk about politics and family with my friends but I talk about everything with best friends.

2.Do you different friends for different parts of your life? If so, how are thay different to you? Do you talk about different things? Go to different places?

Yes, I have. For example, a friend of mine likes A fashion but I like B fashion. However, we always go shopping to buy clothes. We advise each other for clothes.